Inferno by Dan Brown

‘Inferno’ is Dan Brown’s fourth novel featuring the dashingly handsome, world saving Robert Langdon. If you’re a fan of Dan Brown’s other novels then this one will not disappoint, but if you tend to take life a bit too seriously then you might have some problems with this novel.

Robert Langdon wakes up in a hospital in Florence. He has amnesia and doesn’t know why he’s there or even remember leaving Harvard. He has a surface bullet wound to his head. Just as he is starting to question being where he is, a gun-toting assassin appears in the hospital corridor and Langdon escapes with the beautiful young doctor – Sienna Brooks.

Sienna helps Langdon to try and discover why he is in Florence. Between Partial memories (that seem like nightmares) and a bizarre item in Langdon’s possession, they discover that Langdon’s presence in Florence has something to do with Dante’s epic poem about hell – Inferno. This leads them around Florence analysing symbols around artefacts relating to Dante, while being chased by a woman on a motorbike (the assassin from the hospital) and a group of soldiers dressed in black.

The clues eventually lead them to Venice, then to Istanbul as they race to find the location of a plague that has been set to be released in one day’s time. Its purpose – to solve the problem of world overpopulation.


Well, the plot of the story was a bit far-fetched, but travelling through Italy and Turkey viewing stunning art and architecture was brilliant. Dan Brown described things so well that I felt I could almost see them. Although at times I found descriptions a bit too detailed and had to gloss over sections. Once again, the novel presented some very controversial ideas which I found more difficult to dismiss than the religious controversy of THE DA VINCI CODE.

I enjoyed the wild chase with Langdon and the beautiful Sienna, and I have been inspired to re-read the earlier Robert Langdon novels, starting with ANGELS AND DEMONS. The Next novel in the series is ORIGIN.


Book Published 2013


See a full list of books by Dan Brown

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